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Posted by SHANIL GUNASEKERA on December 10, 19102 at 19:23:30:



25 gm ghee or butter
500 gm chicken cut as for curry
70 gm sliced onion
01 tsp lime juice
01 tsp chopped ginger
01 tsp chopped garlic
02 tbsp unroasted curry powder
01 tsp chillie powder
150 ml coconut water
100 ml natural or plain yogurt
75 ml thick coconut milk
150 gm semi riped pineapple cubed
01 tbsp fresh coriander leaves chopped
salt to taste


1. Marinate the chicken with curry powder/chillie powder/lime juice/yougurt and set a side for about 30 minutes.

2. Heat the fat in a saucepan to medium heat, add the onion fry until onions are light brown.Mix in ginger and garlic cook for 1 to 2 minutes.

3. Add the marinated chicken and cook for about 5 minutes until chicken is lightly coloured.

4. Pour the coconut water and bring to the boil.Simmer for 15-20 minutes.

5. Stir in coconut milk and pineapple,cook for further 5 minutes.Finish off by adding coriander leaves and salt to taste. Serve hot.
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