Ceylon Medical Journal 1996: 41; 2; p 83 - 86
All articles received will be acknowledged to the corresponding author.
Each manuscript will be read by the Editors to decide whether it should
be further reviewed. Those selected for review will be sent anonymously
to a referee, along with a structured format and written guidelines. When
necessary a manuscript may also be reviewed anonymously by a medical statistician
Referees are asked to treat papers as confidential communications and
not to share their content with anyone except colleagues they have asked
to assist them in reviewing, or to use content for their own purposes.
They are asked to declare any conflicts of interest (such as personal ties
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All articles which receive favourable reviews are submitted anonymously to the Editorial Board which meets once a month. Members of the board are asked to assess articles on the basis of importance of the research problem, scientific strength, clarity of presentation and appropriateness for readers of the CMJ.
Referees' comments, and the gist of observations of the Editorial Board are conveyed to authors of articles that are rejected or require substantial modification.
Editors reserve the right to modify style, shorten articles, make editorial
corrections where necessary, and to determine priority and time of publication.