Appeal for Donation

Education Aid for Twin & Multiple Children of Low Income Families

We have now initiated a project to help educational needs of twin & multiple children from low-income families in the island. For this process we are seeking financial or material support from individuals and charity institutions through out the country.

This project has initiated due to huge number of requests forwarded to us from divisional multiple birth foundations, and parents of registered twin members.

Most of the letters forwarded to our institution by our registered members indicated that they need financial support to maintain their families with twin & multiple children. Therefore we took the leadership to initiate a project to raise funds for the poor families of twins & multiples.

If you are interested to give your generous support to twin children who are from low income families please contact us.

Donations can deposit to our account held at Bank of Ceylon, Kolonnawa Branch, Wellampitiya. Sri Lanka.

Account Name : Sri Lankan Twin Registry
Account No : 0003272017
Bank Code : 7010
Branch Code : 595
Swift Code : BCEYLKLX


Donations to the Sri Lankan Twin Registry

We thank Mr. Ranjan Perera Managing Director Soft Logic for donating Rs. 10,000.00 to provide assistance to needy twins

Donations by the Sri Lankan Twin Registry

We have offered educational material like exercise books, pencils, pens, pastel boxes, mathematic instrument boxes & English dictionaries etc, and many other forms of assistances to the needy twins registered with the SLTR


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Multiple Birth Foundation
News in Brief
Sri Lankan Twin Registry

Capacity Building and Advancing Research in Sri Lanka


Thursday, March 27, 2025