Sweet Mung Kenda (Green Gram Porridge)
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by P.Weerathunga

1 cup Green Gram (Mung) (washed and soaked overnight)
1/2 cup Samba Rice (washed thoroughly)
2 cups thick coconut milk
1/4 bottle treacle (Kitul Honey)
OR make honey out of Kitul Jaggery
Sugar (optional)
2" peice of Cinnamon
2 pods cardamoms
Some sultanans and Cashewnuts

Boil the Mung Gram and the Samba rice with some extra water, add some salt, peice of cinnamon, and cardamoms. When both grains are cooked well and done, add honey & the thick coconut milk. Taste for sweetness and add a little sugar if required. When the mixture is boiling, after 3 minutes off the flame.

In a separate pan fry in a teaspoon of ghee/butter the sultanas and chopped cashewnuts for about 2 minutes. When serving top up with the fried nuts.
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