Rainbow Sandwiches
| 1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent |
Posted by Waruni

1 loaf of un-sliced bread
4 tbsp butter
2 carrots, boiled and grated
1 beet root, boiled and grated
1-2 potatoes, boiled and mashed
1 egg, boiled and grated
Mustard cream/paste
Mix butter, salt, pepper and mustard cream.
Divide that into 4 portions.
Add carrot, beet root, potatoes, and egg into the separate butter portions.
You can add some green colouring to potatoes.
Cut bread into horizontal slices, and trim all the edges of the bread.
Spread butter mixed with carrot on top of the sliced bread covering about 1/4 th of the sliced bread.
Next add egg covering to about 1/4th of the slice.
Next add beet root covering about 1/4th.
Finally spread potato mix.
Now you will be able to see four colors on the horizontally sliced bread.
Roll the sliced bread just like a chocolate roll cake.
Cover it with a foil paper or a lunch sheet to tighten the edges so that the bread will remain as a roll.
Refrigerate for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Remove the foil and cut the bread just like the way you cut chocolate roll cake.