Yogurt Cheese Parfait
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Harinee. De .Silva on October 14, 1998 at 17:56:06

1. 11/2 qts plain non fat yogurt
generously measeurd
2. 1 cup sugar
3. 1 tbs finely gratted lemon rind
4. 2 cups fresh sliced strawberries


Four hours or day before serving , stir
the yogurt and sugar together. To make
yogurt cheese, line a colander with
several layers of cheesecloth and place
it over a bowl.Measure yogurt mixture
into cheesecloth, cover and refrigerate.
Let mixture drain for 4 hours or over

The next day, add the grated lemon
rind to the yogurt cheese and mix well.
If the yogurt cheese is to thick,it can be
thinned slightly with additional yogurt.
Spoon the yogurt cheese into parfait glasses,
alternating with layers of fresh

Serves 4.

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