Easy to make - Chocolate Wonders
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Darshika Ramanayake on September 30, 1998 at 18:35:21

1 pack of cooking Milk chocolate
Corn flakes
Crushed cashew nuts or almonds (optional)

Break the chocolates into small pieces. In a big pan boil some water.
Once the water is boiling put another bowl inside the pan and then add
the chocolates to the inner bowl. Make sure that water doesn't get into
that bowl.

Let the chocolate melt in low heat. Once the chocolate has melted let it
cool down for some time. Don't wait too long otherwise the chocolate
will harden. Add the corn flakes. Amount of corn flakes depend on how
much melted chocolate you have. So add corn flakes till you can coat all
of them with melted chocolate. Add crushed nuts and mix well.

With a spoon divide the mixture into small lumps. Don't worry about the
shapes. Spray some oil in a plate and put the lumps on it. Put in a refrigerator
to cool.
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