>Cardamom fruit cake
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Joan on October 26, 19102 at 19:24:16:

2 sticks butter softened (8 oz.)
1 cup sugar
6 large eggs or 8 small
1 tsp vanilla
2 cup flour
2 tsp baking powder
1 Tbs. ground cardamom
1 cup candied fruit or citron
1/2 cup sliced almonds
sugar and cinnamon

Cream butter with sugar until fluffy and thick. Beat in eggs well. Add flour that has been mixed with baking powder and cardamom and mix well. Stir in citron and nuts. Place in a 9x3x5 inch loaf pan. Sprinkle top heavily with sugar and cinnamonBake 350F about 40 to 60 minutes or tested done.

Remove to rack to cool. Cool in pan 15 minutes and remove to cool completely. Wrap and slice the following day
Note: variations: substitute currants , or raisins, finely grated fresh lemon and orange peels. It it typical for this cake to have a crack down the center.

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