1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Zaheeda Sally on January 21, 19102 at 20:24:44


1 tin Milkmaid
200 gm Biscuit
100 gm Butter
3 separated Eggs
1/2 cup Sugar powdered
Juice of 6 Lemons
Ring of 1 Lemon


Crush the biscuits to powder. Preset the
oven at 160'c. Melt butter.
Mix biscuit crumbs with melted butter.
Press the mixture onto the base and sides
an 8" pie dish. Chill in in refrigerator.
In a bowl combine Milkmaid, lemon juice,
lemon rind and lightly beaten egg yolks.
Spoon the mixture into the chilled crumb
Whisk egg whites till stiff, gradually
adding powdered sugar. Spoon the meringue
onto the filling so as to cover it.
Bake in a moderate oven (160'c )for 15 to
2 minutes or till the meringue is golden
brown. Serve hot/chilled in refrigerator.

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