1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Zaheeda Sally on January 19, 19102 at 08:24:12


2 cups coconut grated
1 cups shredded coconut
1 can 396g Nestie sweetened Condensed Milk
150g dark cooking chocolate melted
silver balls decoration
marshmallows for decoration


1 Combine first 4 ingredients, reserving 2
teaspoons of melted dark chocolate.
2 Shape into small egg shapes. Place 2
silver balls on each bunny for eyes.
3 Bake on greased baking trays in a medium
temperatur oven (180c) for 12-15 minutes,
until cooked. Then, cool on wire rack.
4 Cut marshmallows for ears and rails and
secure with reserved melted chcolated.

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