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Posted by Buddima D' Rozario on January 16, 19102 at 08:27:09

Recipe: Trifle

Serves 4-6


1 Swiss roll or stale sponge cake
1 packet of jelly (jello)
tin of fruit
Sherry (optional)
banana or grated chocolate or what you will for decoration


1. Slice cake and place in large serving dish
2. Sprinkle with sherry(optional) pour tinned fruit and juice over cake.
3. Prepare jelly according to instructions. Put in fridge until almost set.
4. Spread jelly over cake and fruit. Leave to set. (If you pour the jelly over the cake whilst it is still hot, it will be absorbed by the cake and you won't have a jelly layer)
5. Prepare some custard, making it very thick. Leave to cool. (For a change in texture, pour into liquidizer and whisk up with a knob of butter until it is of a uniform consistency. Leave to cool)
6. When the custard is cool , pour over jelly layer. (if the custard is too hot the jelly will melt)
7. When the custard is cool, decorate.
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