Eclair Cake
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Gashini perera on April 05, 19101 at 13:58:50

1 (16 ounce) package graham crackers
2 (3.5 ounce) packages instant vanilla pudding mix
3 cups milk
1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed
1 (16 ounce) package prepared chocolate frosting

1 Blend the pudding mix, whipped topping, and milk in a medium sized bowl. Stir until well blended.

2 Lay one single layer of graham crackers in the bottom of the baking pan. Do not crumble, leave whole. You can fill in gaps with crackers broken in half if needed. Spoon half of the pudding mixture over the crackers and spread evenly. Repeat with another layer of crackers. Spoon the remaining pudding mixture over the crackers and spread evenly again. Top with a final layer of graham crackers.

3 Spread the fudge frosting over the whole cake up to the edges of pan. If you find this step too difficult, you can cover the pan with plastic wrap and refrigerate cake for 30 minutes or so, to firm up the pudding mix, then frost cake. Once frosted, refrigerate cake for at least 4 hours before serving.

Makes 1 - 13x9 inch pan

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