Fruit D'Anana
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Sunila Hewa Basithage on January 30, 19100 at 10:25:58

1 Tin Condensed Milk
1 Tin Water
4 Teasp Gelatine soaked in 1 cup fruit juice
1 Pkt Jelly (prefer orange flavour)
1 Pkt Fresh Cream (300 ml)
2 Tabls Butter
1 Tin Fruit Cocktail
1/2 Pkt Wafers (Orange flavour 180 grams)

Set the jelly in serving dish. Crushed the wafers with butter and
spread on jelly. Put in the refrigerator. Soak the gelatine in fruit
juice and leave for 2-3 minutes. Boil a little water in a saucepan and
place the getaline over the boiling water and stir until dissolved.

Pour the condensed milk into a saucepan and water. Stir over a low flame
until the custard thickens and coates the back of the wooden spoon. Do
not allow the custard to boil. When the custard begins to thicken remove
from heat. cool well. Add Gelatine. Blend the fruit cocktail and mix with
milk mixture. Spread on top of the wafer layer and put it back in the
refrigerator for 8-10 hours until set. Whip the cream until double in bulk
and pile on top. Decorate with slices of orange and cherries.
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