1 Tin Condensed Milk 1 3/4 Tins Water 3 Eggs 2 Tbls Gelatine soaked in 1/2 cup Fruit Juice 1 Tin Pineapple Vanilla 1 Pkt Fresh Cream (200 ml)
Soak the gelatine in fruit juice and leave for 2-3 minutes. Boil a little water in saucepan and place the gelatine over the boiling water and stir until dissolved.
Pour the condensed milk into a saucepan. Add egg yolks and water. Stir over a low flame until the custard thickens and coats the back of the wooden spoon. Do not allow the custard to boil. When the custard begins to thicken remove from heat.Cool well. Add gelatine, pineapple and flavoring. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. When beating the egg whites add 1 tbls sugar to it. Whip the cream until double in bulk and fold in the pineapple mixture.