choclate flan
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by liaaam on October 29, 1999 at 09:36:18

1 half of pinapple (diced)
0.5kg sugar
1 cup of cinamon
2 blockes of chocolate (white)
1 cup of flour
0.5's of cup of water
1 tbs of baking powder
1 strawberry
4 Apricots


Mix baking powder, water and flour to make dough. Place
dough in a oven proof flan dish. And bake so that dow
turnes into pastry.

melt chocolate and mix in cinomon and sugar. let chocolate
set and then arange Apricots in a fancy pattern place
strawberry in the center and let set for 6 hours.

serves 8
does not keep for long so don't leave it in the frige for
weeks. It`s not as if it will last that long though.

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