1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Preethi Pandithasekera on April 22, 1999 at 16:22:03


125g softened butter
175g dark chocolate
2 eggs
125g self-raising flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder, sifted
1 tsp baking powder
Butter,for greasing


25g cocoa powder, sifted
50g dark soft brown sugar
150ml milk


Beat together all the sponge ingredients until light and
fluffy. Lightly grease a 1.5liter pudding basin, spoon
in the sponge mixture and level the surface.

To make the sauce , place the cocoa powder and sugar in a
small bowl and gradually stir in the milk until smooth.

Pour it cover the sponge mixture and cover the bowl tightly
with clear film.(Do not pierce or leave an air vent as
the steam is needed inside the bowl to keep the pudding

Microwave on medium-high (70percent) for 10 minutes.
Carefully remove the clear film from the bowl, taking
care to avoid the escaping steam.

Run a palette knife around the edge of the pudding, then
cover with deep flat plate. Allow to stand for 5 to 10

Turn the bowl and plate over together to unmould the
pudding and let the sauce flow onto the plate.

Serve immediately.
Not suitable
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