1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Val Boteju (Canada) on May 24, 1997


1 medium size ripe whole papaya
1 small pkg. Lime jello powder
1/2 cup boiling water
1/4 cup cold water


Pour the hot water into a small bowl and first dissolve the jello powder.
Then add the cold water, mix well and leave to cool (do not let it set).

In the meantime cut the top of the papaya making an opening big
enough so that you can put a teaspoon inside and scoop out the seeds.
Make sure you take out all the seeds.

Place the papaya cut side up in a small container so that the fruit
won't move. Pour enough jello liquid to reach the top, put back the
piece of papaya that you cut off. Place in the refrigerator until the
jello is set. Cut it in quarters and serve with Vanilla ice cream.

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