Almond Cheese Cakes
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Harinee De Silva on October 19, 1998 at 13:17:34

1. 3 ozs butter
2. 1 egg
3. 3 ozs. sugar
4. 6 ozs. flour


Cream butter and sugar and add egg yolks. Mix
in flour to form paste. Turn on to very lightly
floured board and roll out pastry to 1/4" thick,
cut with a flutted cutter and line the shallow
pastry tins and fill with the following mixture.

1. 3 ozs. ground cadjus
2. 4 ozs. sugar
3. 3 well beaten eggs
4. 11/2 ozs melted butter
5. almond assence

Mix the cadju, sugar, eggs well together, then add
butter and essence. Fill the pastry lined tins
with this mixture. Sprinkle the tops with icing
sugar and sliced cadjus. Bake at 350f for 25 to
30 minutes. And allow to cool in a pan as the
pastry is very brittle.

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