Konda Kewum
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by D.H.P

1 cup American Flour
1 cup White Rice Flour
2 pods Cardamoms
Pinch of Salt
Kithul or Coconut Treacle
Oil for deep frying

Mix the two kinds of flour together with ground cardamom and salt.
Mix it with honey until it forms a thick liquid.
To check for consistency, take a spoonful of the batter and drop it slowly back to the mixture. The batter should form pleats if the consistency is correct.
Heat about a cup of oil thoroughly in a thachhi.
Drop a small amount (about 1/4 cup) of batter to the center of the thachhi to make a Kawum.
Use a wooden stick and poke center of kewum. Use a slotted spoon to pour oil over the kawum and form a konde with oozed out batter.
Fry until it turns golden brown.
Drain the kewum onto paper and serve.

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