1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Dhammika

450 grams Kithul Juggery
8 Large Eggs
1 1/2 Cup full Cream Milk, Coconut Milk or Skim milk*
Pinch of Nutmeg
Chopped Cashews - to decorate and extra taste
2 Tea Spoons of Vanilla flavor

Scrape the juggery, so that it is easy to dissolve.
Beat the eggs and mix well with the milk.
Add scrapped juggery, vanilla and stir continuously until the juggery has completely dissolved.
Or you can keep the pot on a very low heat to dissolve the juggery faster.
Add a hint of Nutmeg (this will reduce the Egg smell)
Pour the mixture in to a bowl (ideally Pyrex) and place the bowl in a steamer and steam for about 1 hour.

* I prefer Skim milk

Points to Remember:
Steaming is preferred to baking.
Do not place the mixture if there is no steam in the steamer yet.
Do not fill the bowl to the top; leave a gap of at least 1 inch from the edge of the bowl. Otherwise you will loose the best of the mixture when it start to boil.
Make sure you have enough water in the steamer or re-fill with boiling water if needed.
Once the mixture is set, take the bowl out and spread some crushed cashew for taste and decoration.
Leave the bowl to cool down and put in the refrigerator.
Best served chilled and with Vanilla Ice Cream.

Enough for 6 people.
Try and send me your feedback.

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