Eggless Chocolate Cake
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Chaya Salmali

Plain flour - 3 cups (tea cups)
Sugar - 2 cups (same tea cup)
Melted margarine - 225 g or 10 table spoons
Coco powder - 5 table spoons
Baking powder - 1 table spoon
vanilla essence - 2 tea spoons
salt - 1/2 tea spoon
white vinegar - 1 table spoon
cold water - 2 cups (same tea cup)

Mix all flour, sugar, coco powder, baking powder and salt together well in a deep bowl.
Then add vanilla, margarine and vinegar and add water little by little and mix about 10 mints using a beater / hand mixer.
Add the mixer to a shallow pan and bake in a pre -heated oven in 200 C for 40 mints.
Cool for some time before you add icing if you like.

1. Use a shallow pan as the mixture is little moist to back the inside well.
2. Don�t hesitate to use 1 table spoonful baking powder as there is no eggs and baking powder itself alone will help the cake to raise.
3. Once the oven switches off after 40 mins., let the cake be inside the oven for about another 10 mins to set well inside before taking it out for cooling.
* one teacup = 3/4 cups.

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