Warm Banana Cake
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Renuka

Butter - 250g
Brown Sugar - 1 cup
Self raising flour - 2 cups
Cinnamon powder - 1tbsp
Mix Spices - 1tbsp
Eggs - 2
Bananas - 3 medium size (preferably Aanamaalu)

First melt the butter and add Sugar, Cinnamon, Mix spices and the 2 eggs together. Add the flour in small quantities while mixing the batter. Do not beat, mix it with a big spoon.
Mash the Bananas into small chunks and add it to the batter.
Then spread it on to an 'oven-paper' layered baking tray. Before putting it to the oven, sprinkle some brown sugar on top of the cake.
Bake it in a pre-heated (10min) oven in 200 Celsius for 30 minutes.
Serve while warm with some Vanilla ice cream on side.

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