Chocolate Biscuit Pudding
Posted by Shirani Silva

225g margarine (or butter)
450-500g icing sugar sifted
3 eggs (seperated)
50-100g cocoa (depending on desired colour)
2 tablespoons brandy
Approximately 2 packets of Marie biscuits
Chopped cashew nuts

Cream the butter (or margarine) and icing sugar till pale and fluffy.
Add the egg yolks, one at a time.
Add the sifted cocoa powder (first add 50g, then more depending on colour).
Beat the 3 egg whites till stiff and add to the chocolate mixture. Add the brandy.
Arrange the pudding with alternate layers of the chocolate mixture and biscuits (soak the biscuits in some hot milk before putting it to the pudding).
If you wish, add some chopped cashews to each layer of the pudding or just on top to decorate it. This gives it a great crunchy-ness.

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