Rockie Rocks
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Muditha Ranasinghe

Sweet dark chocolate - 1 big slab
Marshmallows [small size] - 1 pkt
1/2 cup sugar (or according to your taste)
Marie or any other tea biscuits - 1 pkt (break in to small pieces)
Butter - 150 g
Icing sugar - 4 tbps

Break the chocolate in to pieces; put it in to a saucepan. Add butter and sugar; stir and simmer till the chocolate is melted. When the chocolate mix is ready take a cup of the mix out and keep aside.

Add marshmallows and biscuits to the chocolate mix in the pan. Stir well. Grease a shallow baking or pudding dish and pour the mix into it; pour the reserved melted chocolate on the top.

Refrigerate for 2 hrs; take out from the fridge and sprinkle the icing sugar on the top, cut in to pieces and serve.

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