Tiramisu (Italian popular desserts)
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by indu wansuriya on December 07, 19107 at 19:42:45:

2 eggs yolks
2 tablespoons caster sugar
few drops vanillla essence
250g mascarpone cheese
175 ml strong black coffee
2 tablespoons marsala
1 tablespoon brandy
150g sponge fingers
1 tablespoon cocoa powwder

Mix together the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl. beating until they are creamy. Add the vanilla essence and fold the mascarpone. Themixture should be thick and creamy.
Mix the coffee,marsala and brandy in a bowl. Quickly dip the sponge fingers in to the coffee mixture. They should absorb just enough liquid to flavour them without going soggy.

Arrange some of the soaked sponge fingers in the bottom of a large glass serving bowl or 4 individual serving dishes. Cover with a layer of the mascarpone mixture.

Continue making alternate layers of sponge fingers and mascarpone. finishing with a layer of mascarpone. Seve the cocoa over the top. then chill in the refrigerator for at last 3-4 hours.

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