1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Carmelita Vithanage on August 28, 19107 at 22:36:44:

500 gr. chopped pitted dates
1 cup boiling water
250 gr. semolina ( rulang )
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
250 gr.margarine
200 gr.sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla,rose & almond essence
4 eggs
100 gr.cashewnut, raisins,pum. preserve, candid peel

Stir together dates,boiling water& baking soda.keep for 2 hours.Sieve flour three times with baking powder & salt on to a paper to mix well.
1.Cream margarine & slightly roasted rulang together in a basin.
2. Cream Sugar and egg yolks together (seperate mixing bowl).
3. Beat the egg whites to a foam. (seperate mixing bowl).
mix all to rulang & butter mix with a wooden spoon. Add chopped cashewnut and others cooled date-water mixure alternately to beaten mixure, each addition till just combined. Add all essences mix well. Bake in 160 oven for 45 minutes.

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