sauw pudding
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Jayamalie perera on August 09, 19107 at 21:17:25:

1 dl. sauw ( 1- 1 1/2 dl boling water, leave to swell)
2 cups Thick Coconut Milk
1/2 lb Brown Sugar (or less)
4 Eggs
Pinch Cardamoms (Optional)
3 Cloves (Optional)
Raisins, Cashew, (optional)
Beat the eggs in a mixer. Add the coconut milk, brown sugar and the spices and mix well. Add sauw. Put the mixture into a ovenproof bowl bake in a tray of water ) U can also steam it.
( there is no limit to quantity of sauw, please feel free to try out.)
Happy cooking!

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