Chocolate Mint Ice Cream
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Virgini Tisseverasinghe on April 11, 19107 at 18:38:19:

Serves 5


4 Egg Yolks
3oz caster sugar
1 tsp. cornflour
300ml skimmed milk
7 oz. dark chocolote (broken into squares)
1 1/2, oz peppermints
4 tbsp chopped fresh mint
1 1/2, cups whipping cream
mint springs dusted with icing sugar to decorate

1.Put the egg yolks, sugar and cornflour in a bowl and whisk until thick and foamy. Pour the milk into a heavy based saucepan, bring to the boil, then gradually whisk into the yolk mixture.
2. Scrape the mixture back into the pan and cook over a gentle heat., stiring constantly, until the custard thikens and is smooth. Scrape it back into the bowl, add the chocolate, a little at a time and stir until melted . Cool and then chill.
3. Put the peppermints in a strong polythene bag and crush them with a rolling pin. Stir them into the custardwith the chopped mint.
4. using an ice cream maker: Mix the custard and cream together and churn the mixtureuntil firm enough to to scoop.
5. Serve the ice cream in scoops and decorate with mint springs dusted with sifted icing sugar

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