1 lb. grated coconut 1 1/2 - 2 lbs of sugar chopped cashew (optional) 6 ozs. milk a few drops of colouring 1/2 teasp. of vanilla a pinch of ground cardomoms (optional) Chocolate Icing: 2 tablesps. of cocoa powder 1 1/2 tablesp. of sugar 1 oz. of milk 1/2 teasp. rose water
Method: Boil sugar and milk together. Add grated coconut, and cook until the mixture comes off the sides of the pan. Add chopped cashew, vanilla, cardomom powder and colouring. When done spread it on a greased board. Before it gets hard quickly put the cocoa powder, milk and sugar in another small pan on medium heat and keep stirring till it gets slightly thick. Add rose water. Take it off the heat and pour it on the prepared coconut mixture. Cut into squares before it gets hard.