Bingo's Cake
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Prabakaran on August 29, 19105 at 21:42:48:

500g Self-Raising Flour
350g Caster Sugar
400g Margarine
6 Eggs
50g Nuts
50g Chocolate Chips
50g Dates
2 Tbsp of Golden syrup
10 Cherries
Whipped Cream only for Decoration

Beat the sugar and margarine together using a beater.
Add eggs one by one into the bowl containing the ceram sugar and margarina.

Add the Golden Suryp into the same bowl. Add the self raising flour into the bowl with the dates,chocolate chips, Nuts. Mix it with a wooden spoon.

Heatup the oven upto 180 Faranhite. Once the oven is heated upto the required temperature place the mixture into a Baking Tray lined with baking sheet.

Once the cake turns into golden colour or after 45 Minutes in the oven take it out and leave it to cool down.
Once the cake is cooled down deacorate the ckae with whippe cream and finally place cherries on the top.
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