Sago Pudding
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Chandranee Xavier on November 01, 19104 at 17:58:24:

2 tablespoons Sago
2 tablesp. sugar
1 pint of milk
2 or 3 eggs
lemon essence and a pinch of salt

Wash Sago and put into a saucepan with milk and cook until very thick. Add sugar & salt. Remove saucepan from the fire and when the contents have cooled a little, add yolks of eggs well beaten. Pour the mixture into a greased pie dish. Beat the egg whites into a stiff froth and put it into an icing bag. Pipe rosettes & cover the top of the pudding.

Another variation is, with a tea spoon put the beaten egg whites like small mounds or peaks on the pudding. Bake in a moderate oven (325 degrees F.) for about an hour until the egg whites look brown.
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