Christmas Pudding
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Preethi Pandithasekera on December 03, 19102 at 17:18:38:

8 ozs. rainsins, sultanas, currents
4 ozs. chopped pineapple
4 ozs. chopped cadjunuts
8 ozs. bread crumbs
8 ozs. brown sugar
2 ozs. plain flour sieved with 1 level tsp. bicarbonate of soda
1 tsp. alt
2 tsp. mixed spice
2 eggs
Finely grated rind of one lemon
1/4 pt. stout or rum

Clean and prepare fruit. Beat up eggs with lemon rind. Mix all ingredients thorougly to gether adding suffiecient stout or rum to make a medium soft dropping consistancy. Pack into well greased pudding basins. (This makes two pounds pudding). Cover with a double thickness of grease proof paper, then with a cloth. Steam briskly four to six hours, remembering to top up the boiling water from time. When cool remove cloth and paper and re-cover with fresh paper. When quite cold store in a tin.

On Christmas morning pour a tbsp of brandy over top of pudding. Re-cover with fresh greased papers and cloth and steam for at least 1-2 hours. Turn it on to a hot dish and serve with custard or brandy sauce.
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