Sweet Potato Casserole
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Chathu on November 17, 19102 at 09:29:03:

This is an baked American Dessert, which uses our own sweet potato in a differant way.

Serves 4


500 g Sweet Potaoes
100 g Brown Sugar
5 tsp Brown Sugar (separate)
1/4 cup Milk
2 tsp Butter
10 cubes of Marshmellows cut in to small cubes
1 tsp Lime Juice
4 drops of Vanila extract
pinch of powdered Cinamon, Cradamom & Cloves


Boil the sweet potatoes, (Steaming is recommended) till it becomes soft. Process the sweet potaoes until smooth using a food processor or a blender. Add milk, sugar and butter, and process for further 2 mintutes. Add lime juice, vanilla, powdered spices and mix well.

Transfer mixture in to a oven proof dish (the mixture should be in partially liquid form). Spread the rest of the sugar on top and arrange the marshmellows on top of it as a equal layer.

Preheat the oven for 300F and bake for 15 minutes or till marshmellow tenders.

Serve slightly hot.
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