Easy soda cracker dessert
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Anita on December 07, 1997

l small container Cool Whip
soda cracker non-salted
l vanilla instant pudding (do as per the box instruction)

mix cool whip with the instant pudding. In a pan 9x9 pour a bit of mix
in bottom then line the pan with soda crackers then cover with the mix,
then another layer of soda cracker and pour the rest of the mix on top.
Cover with cherry pie filling, or other filling you like.

Put the pan in refrigerator for over an hour. Then cut and enjoy.

Delicious and very easy.

The soda cracker will puff up. Won't even know it is soda cracker.
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