Stewed Tomatoes and Onions
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Posted by Padmaja Vedula on November 18, 1998 at 18:35:24

6 medium tomatoes,peeled and quartered
2 large onions cut crossways,then each half cut into wedges
1 T.sugar
salt and pepper to taste
* t. paprika
Add a few mixed herbs,to taste
2 oz of butter.

To peel tomatoes easily, use a sharp knife to cut two crossed
nicks in the bottom. (The tomatoes, not yours). Use tongs to
plunge them into boiling water for 30 seconds or so. Then
drop them into cold water.

In a few moments peel back the skin from the nicks. Sautee
the onions in the butter,in a medium to large saucepan,about
5 minutes. Add tomatoes, onions,sugar, pepper, salt, herbs
and paprika. Cook until tender (simmering) about 15 minutes,
stirring occasionally.

Serves 4 people. Print this recipe       Email this recipe

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