Veggie Burgher
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Posted by Malachi Karunadasa

1 cup boiled green grams
1 cup black eyed boiled peas
1/4 cup wheat germs or bread crumbs
1 egg
salt and pepper
lemon juice

Mash the boiled pulses (green gram and peas) with a fork. Roast some mustard seeds and temper an onion, garlic, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and dry red chillie pieces. Add enough salt, pepper and lemon juice to the spice mixture.

Mix in the boiled pulses and mix well. Add an egg to combine all spices with the mixture. Then add the wheat germs or bread crumbs to make it pliable. Shape into golf size balls and flatten into the shape of burghers. Cook both sides on a roti pan until brown.

Note: Any kind of boiled pulses could be used for this recipe.
This could be used as a vegetarian dish for a party by making your own adjustments.

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