Kankun Temparadu
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Rosemary Delwala


Bunch of fresh Kankun (washed and drained)
2 large sized onions
100 grms Kunisso
2 dsps of chillie pieces
1 or 2 dsps of Soy sauce
3 dsps oil

Heat the oil in a large frying pan when ready add chopped onions and brown it slightly.
Add the kunisso (washed and dried), and the chillie pieces and toss it until cooked or tempered.
Add the Kankun[nicely cut into small size of your choice] and a dash of salt and the soy sauce and temper until it becomes to a real green looking temparadu veggie.
Take off from the heat and enjoy with any rice and curry meal or even with Buriyani for a change.

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