Cavolo Nero With Pancetta -Itaian
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Posted by indu wansuriya on December 16, 19107 at 15:39:52:

1 tablespoon oliv oil
1 siced onion
1,crushed and chopped garlic clove
1, cut into cubes red chilli
125 g cut into cubes pancetta
1 head cavolo nero
75 ml chicken stock
75 g coarsely grated parmesan cheese
salt and pepper

Heat the oil in a large saucepan and fry the onino,garlic,chilli and pancetta for 5 minutes or until soft.

To prepare the cavolo nero to,trim any wilting leaves then cut the heads in half lengthways. Remove and discard tha hard central stem and roughly chop the leaves.

Add the cavolo nero to the onion mixture and stir well. Pour in the chicken stock and season with salt and pepper. Cook for 4 minutes over a moderate heat, stirring all thr time.

Finally, add the grated Parmesan and serve straight away.

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