Creamy beans with ckicken
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Posted by Nimmi on April 11, 19103 at 18:47:54:

1lb green beans
3/4 lb diced chicken
sliced onion
chopped garlic
chopped ginger
chopped green onion
1 tin of creamy Campbell chicken mushroom soup
green pepper
black pepper
crushed red chillier powder
1 tea spoon of vinegar
1 tea spoon of Soy sauce
3 to 4 tablespoon of olive oil

Heat the pan and add olive oil. Then add chopped garlic, onion and let it fry for two minutes, then add sliced thin green beans, add black pepper, salt and crushed red chili powder. Stir fry until the green beans cooked.

Remove the beans from the pan, then stir fry the diced chicken with garlic, ginger, black pepper, crushed red chili powder, salt, tea spoon of soy sauce and a tea spoon of vinegar. Let it stir fry chicken until it's tender and soft, then add the bean mixture, mix it well. Then add the creamy chicken Campbell soup, mix it well, if it's too thick add a little bit of milk.

Garnish with chopped green onions and served with hot plain rice. (Basmati rice goes very well.) On top of rice let sit the mixture.
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