Swiss Mutton Chops
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Posted by Harinee Silva on March 26, 19102 at 09:34:47

4 chops
1/2lb potatoes
1/2lb cabbage
1/2 a large bombay onion
1/2lb carrot
1/4lb turnips
2" celery
1 cup stock
salt and pepper to taste
oil or magarine for frying

Chop all the vegetables into neat pieces.
Slice the cabbage and leave this and the
potato to soak in cold water.Heat the oil
and fry the vegetables in it until partly
cooked,but not browned.Drain these,and in
the same fat brown the chops on the both
sides,first dusting them with pepper and
salt.Place the cooked vegetables in the
bottom of a casarole dish.Sprinkle the
cabbage and potatoes on top,and place the
chops over them.Add stock to come about
half-way up the dish.Bake for 2 hours
basting with the liquid,and turning the
chops two or three times during the cooking
Serve hot.
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