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Posted by Zaheeda Sally on January 22, 19102 at 08:36:53


500 g chicken (cut into 4 pieces)
2 capsicum (cut into long finger)
2 red chillies (dry)
2 tsp coriander seeds
2" piece ginger (chopped finely)
1" piece ginger juliennes
10-12 flakes garlic (crushed)
1 green chilli (chopped)
2 tomatoes (chopped)
pinch fenugreek (uluhal)
1 tsp salt
4 tbsp oil
Coriander leaves (wash and chopped) for


pound red chillies and coriander seeds in
a pestle. Saute capsicum and keep aside.
Heat 1 tbsp oil in a kadhai, add garlic
and fry until light brown. Add coriander
and chillies. Cook for half a minutes.
Add chopped ginger and green chillies. Add
tomatoes and stir fry for about 5-7 minutes
on low heat until oil separates. Add
fenugreek and salt. Add chicken, bring to
a boil and and then simmer stirring
occasionally until the gravy is thick and
chicken is tender. Add the capsicum and
stir for two minutes. Adjust seasoning.
Put in a bowl and garnish with ginger
juliennes and coriander leaves. Serve hot. Print this recipe       Email this recipe

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