Spicy Salmon
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Malini on January 20, 19102 at 16:57:00

This is a quick and easy fish dish. If Salmon is not available, substitue with Thora (king fish) or tuna.


1 lb Salmon fillets cleaned and cut into 1" slices
2 tsp crushed chillie pepper (red pepper flakes)
1 onion sliced
2 green chilles chopped
1 medium tomato chopped
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp vegetable oil
2 cloves garlic (finley chopped)
few curry leaves (optional)
salt and pepper to taste.

Marinate the fish in salt, pepper, chillie flakes and soy sauce. Set aside.

In a skillet saut� the onions, green chillies in 1 tbsp of oil until soft. Add the tomato and cook for another minute.
Remove the mixture from the pan.

Return pan to fire, add the other tbsp of oil to pan. When the pan is got add the garlic, fry till golden brown. Arrange the fish slices in a layer. Cook on medium heat covered for a about 5 mins.

Turn the fish over carefully, not to break. Cook uncovered for few more minutes, until the fish is no longer pink inside.

Add the saut�ed onion mixture on top, cook for another minute.

Serve hot, with rice.
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