Indian Style Chicken Curry
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Posted by Lasanthica Benedict on October 27, 1997


2.5 lb Chicken
1 Chopped Onion
1 tsp of Garlic
I tsp of Ginger
1 tsp of Cinnamon
1 tsp of Cardomum
1 tsp of Cloves
2tsp of Viniger
2 tsp of Oil
2 tsp of Garam Masala
1 tsp of Chili Powder
Salt to your liking


Wash and skin the chicken.

In a big saucepan saute the onion and the oil.

Then add the chicken and let it cook for approximately 2 mins.

Then add all the spices and the salt, except the garam masala and stir well.

Add 2.5 cups of water and let the chicken cook.

When the chicken is almost cooked fully, add the Garam Masala and let it
cook for at least another 7-10 mins.

When the chicken is totally cooked just remove from the heat.

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