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Posted by Zaheeda Sally on January 19, 19102 at 10:24:53


1 whole chicken
10 gms green chillies
10 gms ginger
10 gms garlic
10 gms onion chopped
salt,pepper,chillie sauce,soya sauce,
corn oil,cooking oil,brandy


200 gms Bhasmati rice cooked
10 gms cashewnuts
10 gms raisins
10 gms green peas
10 gms chopped onions
5 oz Rosemary
2 cups Chicken stock
1 cup Coconut milk


Season the chicken with all the ingredients
and leave it for one hour. Cook it for 30
minutes in an oven temperature of 250F.

Remove from oven and leave it to cool down
for about half an hour. Prepare the
stuffing by mixing all the ingredients
together,flavour with brandy, adding salt
and pepper.

Stuff chicken with prepared ingredients and
recook for another 15 minutes. Remove from

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