Rosterd Beef with Shrimp
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Posted by Ramya Edirisinhe on January 21, 19101 at 10:44:04

Beef 1/2 -pound
Fresh Shrimp 1/2- Pound
2 medium yellow onion, peeled and cut round
sliced like a onion rings,
Vegetable oil 2 Tabel Spoon
2- red poteto -peeled and cut in to a 1/2 inche chunks
Small Carrots,cut in to a 1/2 inch chunks
smallCelery root 1(6 oz)
Sherry Vineger 1/4 cup
Salt and fresh ground pepper to taste
Cloves Garlic quarterd -6oz
olive oil 3/4 cup
salt 1/2tesp
Freshly black pepper 1/4 teasp.

To rosterd Beef vegetables and Srimp- Heat the oven to 425F. In a large bowl toss the oil, garlic, onion, carrot, cut a small peaces beef and to gether srimp, salt and pepper to coat the vegeteable well, Spred them out in one layer on rimmed baking sheet and roast stiarring frequently,
untill tender and brown 25 to 30 mints.

When the beef, shrimp, vegetables are almost finished put in a large bowl, set a side. In a small bowl wihisk the herbs and cherry viniger seasonwith salt and fresh ground pepper, Drizzle half the grcens in the bowl over a burner heated to medium with tongs, toss the vegetable and meat in the bowl over the heat just until the grcens to wilt, add the hot vegetable to the grcens and toss well. serve with basmathi rice or make a yellow rice. serve warm. Print this recipe       Email this recipe

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