Tandoori Chicken
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Posted by Ranjith D Weerasinghe on December 20, 19100 at 10:47:03


6 lb chicken (2 medium whole chicken)
1 gal plain yorgut( curd)
1 tbs corriander
2 tbs cumin
3 tbs black pepper
2 tsp chilli powder
salt to taste
1 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup white vineger
1 cup vegetable oil
1/4 cup finely chopped garlic
1/4 cup finely chopped ginger
orange food color ( red or yellow)

Add all ingredians (except chicken & food color) to large mixing bowl and mix well. (lemon, salt & garlic taste should be strong) cut each chicken into 8 pieces. Make little cuts on chicken pieces to absorb the mixture.
Add food color into the mixture until make it bright orange color. Then add chicken to the mixture and mix well & keep in refrigerator over night. cook in barbecue grill or oven at 350 f. put little bit of remaining mixture on the chicken twice avoid drying the chicken until it cooked. (appox 1 hour )
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