Posted by Rinoza Riaze on October 01, 19100 at 09:55:52
Ingredients: 8oz. oil 1lb fish sliced washed seasoned with pepper,salt, lime juice and turmeric fry fish and drain. 3 tomatoes scalded and chopped curry leaves a few green chillies slit 8oz. thick coconut milk 1dsp. chillie powder (amount varies according to your taste) grind the below ingredients: 3 cloves garlic 1 big onion 1dsp. cummin
method: heat 3oz. oil and fry ground ingredients till aroma rises, then add tomatoes and mash well. Then add the curry leaves, chillies and salt.Fry for few mins. Add fried fish and the coconut milk and simmer.Goes well with rice, hoppers and bread. Print this recipe Email this recipe