Chicken Wings
1:Poor; 2:Fair; 3:Average; 4:Good; 5:Excellent
Posted by Renuka Samararathna

8 Chicken wings
4-5 cloves garlic (minced)
5 tbsp soy sauce
3-4 tbsp crushed chillie
Salt and pepper to taste
Pinch of turmeric (optional)

Wash and cut up chicken wings into 2 pieces.
Discard ends and extra fat bits. Mix all the ingredients with the wings.
Place in a shallow frying pan, toss well.
Cover and cook about 5 to 6 minutes on high heat.
Please don�t add any water. Remove lid and cook till all the liquid has evaporated.
Turn few times while cooking and let it cook till dry and crispy.
Serve warm or hot.

Alternatively, you can fry these chicken wings in deep oil then toss with BBQ sauce or, sweet and sour sauce or tomato sauce(ketchup) as well.

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