Pork Kurakkal
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Posted by Gampaha Buwa

This is a Pork recipe from Putlam area. The original recipe is for wild boar and could keep weeks without any refrigeration.
I got the recipe from my Grand Mother who says that when they were young, people from faraway villages used to bring this to the Sunday Fair (Pola) in gunny bags.

Ingredients: -
500g Belly Pork
500g Lean Pork
10 Cloves
20 Cardamom Pods
5 Garlic Pips (Chopped)
2 Tbs coarsely grounded Black Pepper
2 Tps Chili Powder (Optional)
1/2 Cup Vinegar
2 Tbs of Vegetable oil
Salt to taste

Method: -
Cut the Pork into small cubes, wash and put in a colander to drain any water.
Break the cardamom pods and take only the seeds.
Ground the Cardamom seeds, Cloves together to a fine powder.
Mix the Pork with all the ingredients, add salt to taste, mix thoroughly and keep aside for one hour.
Heat the oil in a flat bottom pan or a large earthen ware pot and add the marinated Pork and cook for 15 minutes over high flame while frequently turning with a wooden ladle.
Cover and cook for 30 to 45 minutes on very low flame allowing the Pork to get cooked in its own fat and till there is no gravy left. Do not add any water.
If there is not enough fat in the meet you may add another Table spoon of oil.
This is a very dry curry. You may add more or less Chili and Pepper depending on your preference.
Ideal combination to have this Pork Kurakkal is with Samba Rice, Dhal Curry and Pol Sambol.

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