Chicken sandwich
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Posted by Chathurika Wimalasena


chicken breast 1
veg oil/coconut oil
chili powder 1 tsp
turmeric powder 1/2 tsp
salt and pepper
carrot shredded 500 g
onion shredded 100g
green chili 3
olive oil

Cut the chicken breast into pieces and marinate with salt, pepper, chili powder, turmeric powder and set aside. Deep fry the chicken in veg/ coconut oil. Drain the excess oil and tear the fried chicken into smaller pieces.

In a separate vok temper onion, green chili and carrot in olive oil. Add the chicken and mix well. Adjust salt and pepper to your desire. Now you are ready with the filling for chicken sandwich. Use mustard cream for the sandwiches for a better taste.

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